Green Orbit Digital Signs LEAD Statement to Accelerate Climate Policy Action

Green Orbit Digital Signs LEAD Statement to Accelerate Climate Policy Action

Green Orbit Digital proudly announces its endorsement of the LEAD statement by ClimateVoice, a project of Tides Center, aimed at accelerating climate policy action.

The Challenge:

The urgency to decarbonise and address the climate crisis requires bold public policy initiatives implemented at an unprecedented speed and scale. Corporations wield significant influence in shaping policy agendas, making their proactive involvement pivotal in driving meaningful change. Recognising this imperative, ClimateVoice has rallied the corporate community to elevate climate policy as a priority and advocate for comprehensive, binding measures to combat climate change effectively.

The Opportunity:

Green Orbit Digital acknowledges the pivotal role that companies play in advancing pro-climate policies. By leveraging their influence and resources, companies have the power to drive systemic change and support initiatives that align with global climate goals. Employees and stakeholders alike are encouraged to unite and urge their organisations to champion real change, thus tipping the balance of power in favour of pro-climate policies.

Employee Climate Action Guide:

As part of the commitment to fostering employee engagement and empowerment, ClimateVoice offers a comprehensive Employee Climate Action Guide. This resource equips employees with the tools and knowledge to effect positive change within their organisations, emphasising the critical role individuals play in driving corporate sustainability and climate action.

Time for Business to LEAD on Climate Policy:

In alignment with the LEAD statement, Green Orbit Digital joins a growing coalition of sustainability professionals dedicated to combating climate change. By signing the LEAD statement, Green Orbit Digital pledges to:

  • Leave obstructing trade associations
  • Elevate climate policy as a company priority
  • Advocate publicly for effective binding climate policies
  • Demonstrate real commitment to collective action for a just and equitable transition from fossil fuels

Together, Green Orbit Digital and other signatories reaffirm their commitment to corporate leadership in advancing climate policy initiatives and ushering in a sustainable future for all.

“At Green Orbit Digital, we believe that businesses have a responsibility to lead by example and advocate for meaningful climate policy,” said Ryan Laird, Director at Green Orbit Digital. “By signing the LEAD statement, we reaffirm our commitment to leveraging our influence for positive change and driving collective action towards a sustainable future.”

According to Deloitte’s 2023 CxO Sustainability Report, more than half of C-suite executives have reported an increase in sustainability actions within their organisations due to employee activism on climate. This underscores the significant influence employees wield in shaping corporate sustainability agendas and driving meaningful change.

For more information about ClimateVoice and to sign the LEAD statement, visit:

Green Orbit Digital Signs LEAD Statement to Accelerate Climate Policy Action
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